Monday, May 31, 2010
Advertisement Sharing
Person: Nora Trapp
Company: Adidas
Purpose: Sell Adidas productsTarget Audience: Teen boys and athletes
How it was effective:
The famous soccer player Messi talked about him when he was young and how he suffered from a leg sickness or something. He drew pictures, and this was emotional. Later on he talked about sports and how he got so famous in the world of soccer.
This ad was effective because the model was a famous soccer player, and because Messi was sick when he was young and he got better it was a miracle, it was actually saying Adidas's motto, Impossible is Nothing.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Lying v.s. Asking any questions you want.

Monday, May 24, 2010
Jonas's Journal Entry

Friday, May 21, 2010
Clio Awards

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Traumatic Experience
Just before 3rd period, I was walking to Homeroom. Santi was strolling behind, and he tried to grab the handle of his classroom, p-4. Then, somebody pushed open the door from the inside, and the door smashed into Santi's head. HARD. He backfired, and he fell to the ground. Blood spurted out everywhere, and his hands were covered with it as well. More blood was coming. He started screaming. I would've too.
And how do I know this?
I was a witness.
And suddenly I think I'm so lucky not to be Santi. I'm lucky that I'm healthy. I sometimes pity myself, but considering what happened just a couple minutes ago...
I can't get the image out of my head. It's a traumatic experience, seeing somebody cut open their head. The bloody hands, the blood spurting out...Ugh.
I really hate going to the hospital. The strong scent of antiseptic, the tools on the doctor's tray, how anything can happen from simply getting assigned some cough syrup to surgery.
My sister had to get stitches once. We were fooling around on a bench at the mall, and I pushed her. She fell backwards and hit her head on the metal pillar behind. I got into a LOT of trouble. It couldn't even be compared with chastisement. My sister got 7 stitches, she forgave me and she didn't even cry during the stitches.
My sister is a saint.
Monday, May 10, 2010
The Giver in twenty words
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The Fitness testing
I don't think you should try your very very best from the start. I mean, try your best but just save your mega-ultra-brilliant score till the last fitness testing because if you do your very very very very best, then it's gonna be a bit hard to overcome that score at the next fitness testing. I mean, if you stretched and stretched and stretched and got 21.5 or something on Sit 'n' Reach, and then you would have to stretch and stretch and stretch and stretch to get beyond that. And....people don't really do that. That's what happened to me. Of course, three fourths of the fault is mine, because I don't think I really worked that hard. I did not do enough sports. But the other quarter left...I got 14.5 for my Sit 'n' Reach, and then I quit gymnastics. Then I never got better at Sit'n' Reach. See what I mean? My friend Hella was also like that. She thought we only did the fitness testing once(she's new) and she tried her ultra best at the pacer. And now she can't recover. Re-testing won't help. Your fitness skills will not get better in 2 days!
Well, I really hate the Fitness Testing. It's painful X3, hard X3 and not fun X3. I just wish it would be all over! Thank God that this is the last fitness test of the year...But still!!!!Ugggggghhhhhhhhh...
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010
6 Elements of a mystery

Saturday, April 10, 2010
Shopaholic and Sister

by: Sophie Kinsella
Shopaholic ties the knot

by: Sophie Kinsella
Shopaholic takes Manhattan

Confessions of a Shopaholic

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Today, we watched an episode of "Monk" during English class. This episode was freaky. "Monk" is a mystery TV show. Three people died, each person receiving a voodoo doll a couple of days before their death, the dolls showing exactly how they would die. The niece of one victim, Angeline is depressed. Monk finds a horseshoe upside down at Angeline's house-it's weird but he was distracted. Monk's assistant, Natalie, receives a voodoo doll with its head cut off with a scalpel, which creeps her out completely. To cure Natalie's...craziness, Monk brings in Reverend Jorgensen(the owner of the shops where the voodoo dolls were sold) and does a little ceremony thing to uncurse Natalie. Of course, Monk doesn't believe in all this voodoo and curse stuff, but for Natalie's sake...but Natalie drinks the not-edible potion, and becomes sick. She is taken away in an ambulance, and Monk puts the pieces together and finds out who the villain is. Angeline. She was the one who was behind this all. She was a paramedic, and knew about the other deaths. She bought voodoo dolls, decorated it and left it in the dead people's house. She sent one to Natalie to put Monk off her trail. She had then killed her uncle, for his money. And left superstitious items around the house. That's when she nailed the horseshoe the wrong way.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Plastiki......plastiki... it's the hot topic these days. But what exactly is the Plastiki? Guess what it is! Yes, it reminds you of the word plastic...c'mon, use your imagination, people! You can't guess? *Huff*. Fine. I'll tell you. It's a boat made out of plastic bottles. Right, it sounds like a tacky little sailboat but no-no-no! It's a super high-tech boat with solar panels, propeller turbines and a bike generator for backup. Cool, huh? The plastiki is made out of 12,000 plastic bottles, full with gas. It took 3 years to build the actual boat from the sketches. What is this boat for? It's on a mission, of course! David de Rothschild, and his team are planning to sail off from San Francisco(March 20th,2010) all the way to Sydney. They It's a long journey, all on a boat.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Overbooked agenda..
2:40 p.m. class ends
3:00 Strings Chamber starts
3:45 Strings Chamber finishes
4:00 I get home
4:00-5:30 Piano practice
5:30 Leave for my Cello lesson
6:00 Cello lesson
6:30 Finish cello lesson
7:00 Come home and eat dinner
7:30 Finish dinner and start Math homework
8:30...Oh, well, you get the idea!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
10 Vocab List #7
Projects and Tests
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Mountain Hiking
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Haiti History & Why so poor?
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
Haiti Earthquake Update Post

Aid trucks, convoys and planes are sending medical supplies and food from all over the world. This truck, is carrying relief supplies. Even though medical supplies and food are being sent to Port-au-Prince(Capital of Haiti), it is never enough for all the patients. An emergency communications officer describe it as "Patients who were not critical only three days ago are now critical. It's horrible." Hopefully, more will be delivered quickly so the patients could be treated.
The Haitian embassy collected baby formula, diapers, toiletries, vitamins, medicines, batteries and clothings and are sending the truckfuls of supplies to Haiti. U.S. paratroopers also gave some 70,000 bottles of water. 40,000 high-energy biscuits were delivered to the citizens as well.
The Haiti earthquake was devastating, and hopefully more aid will be on the way sooner or later to help the victims.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Haiti Earthquake

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Mom's B'Day and Anniversary!

Monday, January 11, 2010
Swimming...swimming...more swimming. SWIMMING!
Monday, January 4, 2010
2nd day in Bali
Charmed and Dangerous

The Mysterious Benedict Society
