Tuesday, February 2, 2010

10 Vocab List #7

1. Cask-A wooden barrel usually to hold drinks like wine and beer.

2. Cynical-A negative attitude, uncooperative, serious whining.

3. Provisions-Supplies, usually meals like microwavable food and drinks.

4. Subvert-Sabotage, make things not work.

5. Accumulate-Build up, collect.

6. Congregate-Everybody/thing come together, a cousin of accumulate.

7. Ominous-Signal that something's going to happen, mostly negative.

8. Contradict-Go against, disagree, talk back.

9. Adversary-Opponenet, enemy

10. Flabbergast-Bewildered, but in an amazed way like "You got to be kidding me!"

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