Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Typhoon Morakot

This picture shows the damage the typhoon Morakot did. Houses were crushed and was floating on the flood. Morakot sweeped away all the buildings and bridges so easily. These houses in the picture were one of them. Because of this typhoon, Taiwan had lost so much of their country.

I think this picture shows the component and the process of this natural environment. If it hadn't rained in Taiwan, this would've never happened, and if they weren't so much thick dirt on the mountanis, there wouldn't have been a mud slide.

1 comment:

Michael said...

The graphic you chose certainly is a dramatic one Hyun Jin. Your words are accurate as they are, but I was hoping you'd address the two learning standards we focused on through this study. We will encounter them again this semester, and I hope your writings will go after them directly at that time.