by Roald Dahl
This book is about a girl named Sophie, and a giant called the BFG. Sophie is snatched from her orphanage by the BFG, and is taken to the land of giants! There, Sophie learns that the BFG doesn't eat humans, but the other giants go off around the world, snatching and eating humans everyday. Sophie determines that this should be stopped, and she stops them with the BFG.
The main job of the BFG is to deliver dreams to humans, and Sophie gets the idea there. She asks the BFG to make a dream about the giants eating children, the BFG himself, and Sophie sitting on the Queen's windowsill. Then they deliver the dream to the Queen of England, and Sophie sits on the windowsill, so that when the Queen saw Sophie, she would believe the rest of her dream was true too. The plan worked, and the Queen sent the head of the Army and the head of the Air Force to the land of giants, and they buried the giants into a deep hole.
My favorite part was when Sophie read the labels and looked at the dreams that the BFG collected over the years. I thought it was really cool how you could just pick up a jar and know what kind of dream a person would dream. I also liked the part where Sophie first tasted the frobscottle(A drink that giants drink) because there was a lot of good description. I thought that 'The BFG' was a really unique and clever book.
I agree that BFG is a unique and clever book, and your writing caught that spirit exactly, Hyun Jin. Keep up the good work in reading. You should check Yuuki's blog for a nice write up on Roald Dahl. If you are a fan of BFG, you'd like her write up.
I have also read this book! Its a great book right? I love how at the begining Roal Dahl gets your attention, but he never lets it go! Did you know that BFG stands for Big Friendly Giant?
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