Monday, September 7, 2009

Dial L for Loser

by Lisi Harrison
The Pretty Committee(Massie, Dylan, Alicia, Kristen and Claire) are off to Hollywood to audition for the new teen blockbuster, Dial L for Loser! They're going for the part of a loser, and Massie can't imagine a better actress than her. But when she actually auditions, Claire gets the part! Claire, the actual loser in the real social life back in Westchester! And now Claire is so famous, she gets free designer clothes and have interviews with famous magazines while Massie has to just sit and stare. Claire's the mini celebrity, and Massie can't just sit while her alpha seat is taken. Massie is jealous, and she'll just do anything to torment Claire. 

The best part was when Massie, Alicia and Claire auditioned for the play, because right before the audition, Massie and Alicia played a trick on Claire and Claire had this huge water stain on her T-shirt, and she had a total loser haircut. The result was really surprising, because Massie was the usual alpha, the usual popular, pretty girl. And I think it would be so cool, you being a loser and then bam! You're some celebrity who meets the most popular people on Earth. I thought that was really cool, and I would definitely trade spots with Claire, when she got picked for the movie.  

1 comment:

Michael said...

A book about celebrities, but I think you are pretty cool as it is Hyun Jin.

I wonder if these kinds of contests actually happen and then what happens to the social relationships of the people who compete, one winning, but most not?